Á®½¸¸g¨å Tanglang Glossary
Á®½¸Äñ«Ê¤â ¶ê¬¡¦hÅܤĺOÄñ¡A¥|±¤K¤è¤J´x®± ¾î½ÝÄñ«ÊÀH¤â¤Æ¡A¨½¥~½Âà«l¤£Â_¡C Mantis Seizing Hands The Hook, Grasp and
Twinning are quite flexible and ever changing. |
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Hook Hand Crushing Strike Hook, Grasp and Strike must be executed as fast as the wind, Cunning Hook Hand Crushing Strike Head On strike, hands and elbows must be harmony while both hands engaged in battle, smoothly borrowing strength to strike. |
¤N¤â¼º³±¨y Á®½¸®±ªk§®µL½a¡A¶i°hµê¹êÅã©_¥\¡A ¾î½ÝÄñ«Ê¨®½ü³N¡Aè¬X¬ÛÀÙ®±ªkºë¡C Cunning Hook Hand Groin Elbow Tanglang hand
techniques are superb in practical use, quickness in
movement, rigid and flexible are inter-related. |
ªö¤â¼A砸 Á®½¸®±ªk¥@©Òµ}¡Aµê¹êÅÜ幻®±ªk©_ ¬D©çºLºI©Û§Y¥´¡A´x®±¨y½¥¶¶¨ä¶Õ¡C ®±¹DìµL¦Ê¤é¥\¡A¯«¥P¬Û±Â¦«µêªÅ¡A ±ýºë®±ÃÀ¨s®±²z¡A¾ÇµL¤î¹Ò¤ß¶·ùÚ¡C Grabbing Hand Split Strike The interchangeable
hand techniques of Tanglang gives superior application
upon each situation against varies of attacks. |
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Qixing Jian (Seven Star Sword) Jian or sword is the mother of all weapons. Swordplay follows the ten words formula. |
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the king of all weapon, it follows the twelve words
formula. Spear uses wrap, combine, point and press. In
advance and retreat execution must be fast, while dodge,
engage, jump, steps must be flexible and agile. Photo shows Zhong
Lianbao shifu performs the Meihua Spear. |